Traci Dinwiddie: ridiculously talented actress by trade, loving spirit and promoter of good-willed inclusiveness by nature. I am forever in your debt for the inspiration you provided with all your soul-wrenching and vulnerable sharing which led me to put pen to paper again; and also for the gentle nudge to share my work with the world.
Yes, indeed, I am a smart-ass who cleans up nicely.. ;) My spirit is definitely as vast and playful as you've noted. It is no less nerve-wracking each time I publish something, but I realize now how healing this has been not just for my readers but also for me. Much love and peace to you, my sister in spirit. You have forever changed a life that now touches a global community of 49 countries (and counting) across all 5 continents. That exponential blows my mind. Thank you.
The Tibet Truth community for not giving up hope and for educating the world on the truth about the plight of Tibet and her people. I am a voice that will not be silenced on freeing Tibet from an oppressive occupation by China. To help join in campaigns and make a difference for Tibet, please visit the above "Tibet Truth" link - it will take you to their homepage.
Poets United: a wonderfully active community of poets for poets and by poets. The resources and showcases have been fantastic, and I thank you for the open invitation to become a contributor.
To my readership - I thank you for taking the time to read what you find here. Each work is from the heart and speaks directly to something I have experienced or with which I identify. Thank you for the many comments and sharing you have done with me. Those statements you give me are what help to recharge and balance me so I can stay focused on my work.
Peace and love to all of you.